Friday, January 4, 2013

One Week!

One week from today I will be on my way to Cádiz, Spain!

I am incredibly excited to start a new chapter in my life and finally check "study abroad" off of my bucket list!  At the same time, I'm feeling a tad anxious about speaking Spanish all the time because I haven't taken a Spanish class for around six months.  We'll see how it goes, but I'm anticipating a rough couple of weeks in the beginning, language-wise at least.

This one-week mark is also triggering a fair amount of reflection for me.  It's strange to think about how place influences identity.  Who will I be when I'm picked up and plopped down in an unfamiliar city?  How will I change when I'm separated from my family and friends?  They say you get to know yourself better when you travel, so I'm interested to see what I will learn about myself over the next six months abroad.

Mostly I'm tired of talking about it, I just want to go already!  There's still plenty to do in the next week though...including a haircut, a trip to REI, my 21st birthday, not to mention packing.  It's going to be a quick 7 days. (Actually, 6 days and 18 hours--but who's counting?)


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